Petabyte Storage : Everything You Need to Know

Enterprise data management has become the factor determining the processes involved in the development of existing technologies. As the focus is mostly on terabytes these days, people might be unaware of the massive amounts of data storage available on the internet and various devices. Industries dealing with big data requirements have been figuring out ways to store, transfer, and work with storage levels of high potential. Petabyte storage has become more in demand due to the growing heaps of data created by the systems. The right infrastructure and support can be used to handle the data entering the networks. If you are still confounded by the concept of a device or cloud storage system with more space than hundreds of terabytes, here is a short guide to help you understand the petabyte storage system.

What is a Petabyte?

One quadrillion bytes of data combine to form a petabyte, which might be quite a surprise for those who don’t know about the working of the current technologies. Average consumers will find terabytes to suffice their needs, and it would be the highest amount of data they use. Most people store or access only so much data for regular computer operations. However, data storage systems have been growing in efficiency over the past few years. Most industries that require a transfer of large amounts of data operate in petabytes.


History and Future of Petabyte

The next phase of internet usage is being defined by petabytes. Only around 0.4% of the world’s population could access the internet in 1995. But the use of the internet has changed drastically in the past few years. Almost 58.3% of people have access to the internet in 2020, and that would constitute about 4.5 billion people. Every segment of the internet has developed with the increase in internet usage.

This exponential rise in the number of users and developers in the market has led to the expansion of storage spaces for huge organizations. Since so much data is required even for a day’s work at many enterprises, the systems enabled here have been upgraded for petabyte storage. Hard drive or zip drive storage systems are less common these days; everyone prefers to store and access data on secure cloud platforms.


Although several industries are using petabytes of data even today, many others are likely to rely on these systems for better access over the whole network. Amazon, IBM, Cloudera, Kaggle, Google, and Facebook are some of the most data-rich companies in the world, and they represent different industries. Industries including entertainment and media production, social media, software engineering, file sharing, telecommunications, documentation storage, video streaming, email hosting, healthcare, physics and science, and financial services are using petabytes of data. Analysis of this data is also being handled by the companies after the storage is completed successfully. Big data analytics is used to take advantage of the opportunities available in the market to build the existing systems.